Thursday, March 10, 2005

free pen-i

For his new project, First Gentleman Mike Arroyo is giving away free dentures. He started the project by choosing beneficiaries from the people of the PNP and Army. His next beneficiaries were from the MMDA and the Metro Aide. In this article, some public vendors are going to benefit soon. While watching the news a few weeks back, FG explained the rationale behind this project. He said that he and his wife the President observed that some of our public servants could not smile a sincere smile...because some or all of their teeth are missing. They would not or could not smile so the general public sees them as rude, unapproachable.

Thus the project. You see, I have no objections whatsoever. It's just that the project's title bugs me -- "BAGONG NGITI SA DATING NGEBU (BUNGE)" -- does not rhyme at all. The word "bunge" was put inside a parenthesis to make the point. But what's the point of transposing the syllables? Ashamed? I dunno.


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